
Kurs for Førerkort Klasse B Automatgir: Teori Bestått og Erfaren Sjåfør Søker Pakketilbud | Finn beste og billigste pris


I would like to attend to courses related to driving license category b (normal cars) - automatgir as soon as possible. Worth to mention: 1. I have passed theory course on 12. 07. 2022 2. I have 1st aid certificate (part of gsk grunnleggende sikkerhetskurs in resq) since i am working offshore. Below links proves that i already have 1st aid course • gsk grunnleggende sikkerhetskurs - resq • gsk grunnleggende sikkerhet og beredskap - repetisjonskurs for beredskapspersonell - resq 3. I have driving license from 2004 from iran and have long experience of driving in big city like tehran, iran. 4. I am free (all days, all times) whenever you have teacher available (except 16th-30th of nov which i will be in offshore) i appreciate if you can provide me a good package price 😊 kind regards, mina karimi minka. Cwe@gmail. Com 91240731.


  • 04 Nov 2022


  • Mina


  • 4315 Sandnes

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